The Rotary Club of Bullard has been working since 2008 to make our community better in a multitude of ways, while working with Rotary International outside of our community to eradicate polio and help make people's lives better with education, clean drinking water, disaster response, and many other programs and projects to address unique problems domestically and around the world. Our latest project was our annual Thanksgiving dinners to brighten up some needy families' time together.
Our charitable donations since 2019 include:
$109,471.59 - City of Bullard Park, Phase 2 (2019)
$ 27,175.06 - City of Bullard Park, Phase 3 (2021)
$ 80,000.00 - City of Bullard Park, Phase 4 (2024)
$ 28,371.24 - Thanksgiving meals
$ 7,150.00 - Rotary Foundation
$ 2,500.00 - Woody Williams Medal of Honor Gold Star Families
$ 2,000.00 - Bullard Police Department for bullet proof vests
$ 1,520.00 - Rotary Youth Foundation
$ 1,500.00 - Scouts Pack 366
$ 600.00 - Smile Fore Kids
$ 500.00 - Bullard Education Foundation
$ 300.00 - City of Bullard Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
$ 175.00 - Meet Me At the Library
(As of 12/18/2024)